Aero Medical Marketing Agency

Who we are
Who we work with

What we do
How to stand out


dare-marketing Aero-Medical - Claudia Schmiedhuber

Who we are

Founded by global healthcare veteran Claudia Schmiedhuber, Dare It Marketing Solutions is the first niche marketing company for the international travel insurance, assistance & aero-medical industry. Based in Vienna, Austria the agency serves clients all over the globe.

DareIt - Marketing Agency - Aero-Medical

Why did you start
Dare It Marketing Solutions?

It is very well known that I am extremely passionate about the global aero-medical & healthcare industry and that I love innovation and being a first mover.

After having worked with a client on some amazing new concepts and campaigns I realized that this specific industry does not have niche marketing experts. I do believe that in an industry as complex as ours it is crucial to understand the market and the clients when it comes to marketing, thus I have founded Dare It Marketing Solutions.

What is different about
Dare It Marketing Solutions?

Everything. Starting from our approach with using Neuromarketing as our primary marketing method all the way to being able to tailor each campaign or project to the desired target audience.

I would say it is the combination of vast experience paired with a passion for innovation and discovering new and exciting ways that makes Dare It Marketing Solutions stand out from the rest.

Want to find out more about why Dare Marketing Solutions was founded?

Check out the latest interview with Founder Claudia Schmiedhuber in the International Travel & Health Insurance Journal

What is one thing you would like
to say to future clients?

Dare to be different. The aero-medical and global healthcare industry has vast potential for companies to grow and develop successfully. One mostly underestimated tool for that is marketing and branding. It does make a difference, I have numerous stories which showed just that.

So dare to differentiate yourself from your competition, be brave enough to try something new and don’t hesitate to be innovative and impress your clients with a different approach.

DareIt - Marketing Agency - Aero-Medical

Who we work for and with

Companies who dare to be different with their marketing & branding and are ready to stand out.

„Teamwork makes the dream work“, which is why Dare Marketing Solutions works with strong partners in case anything beyond our expertise and capabilities is needed.

What we do

Dare It Marketing Solutions uses stand out & innovative marketing methods and strategies. Specialized in Neuromarketing, Dare It Marketing Solutions knows exactly how to position companies in the best light and with a lasting impression.

So far, Dare It Marketing Solutions has produced and published the following for its global clients:

  • Print Advertisement Campaigns
  • Online Advertisement Campaigns
  • Social Media Campaigns
  • Image Videos
  • Corporate Videos
  • Virtual Reality (VR) Experiences
  • 360 Degree Image Experiences

We also help companies
with the following:

  • Target Market Analysis
  • Branding
  • Brand positioning
  • PR
  • Sponsorship Campaigns
  • Website Redesign
DareIt - Marketing Agency - Aero-Medical

We must dare to think ‚unthinkable‘ thoughts.

We must learn to explore all the options and possibilities that confront us in a complex and rapidly changing world.

J. William Fulbright

How to stand out

Stand out with…Neuromarketing.

„Neuromarketing is the application of neuroscience and cognitive science to marketing. This can include market research that tries to discover customer needs, motivations, and preferences that traditional methods like surveys and focus groups can’t reveal.

Neuromarketing can include the evaluation of specific advertising, marketing, packaging, content etc. to more accurately understand how customers react at the non-conscious level.“
– Roger Dooley (Author of Brainfluence)

At Dare Marketing Solutions we use Neuromarketing as our primary method and have achieved huge successes with the same. Our Founder Claudia is a certified Neuromarketing Expert and is passionate about using Neuromarketing the achieve outstanding results for our clients.

Stand out with…Innovation.

Have you ever thought of going a different path?
In the words of author and poet Robert Frost:
„Two roads diverged in a wood, and I—
I took the one less traveled by,
And that has made all the difference.“

Are you ready for taking the less travelled road? The world is full of amazing new inventions such as Virtual Reality, 360 degree imaging and Augmented Reality. At Dare Marketing Solutions we have worked with all of the above and have created outstanding projects for our clients who dared to be different.

Stand out with… Target Audience Marketing.

It takes an expert to achieve real results in an industry as complex and niche as the global aero-medical & healthcare industry.

With an extensive track record in the industry, Founder Claudia Schmiedhuber is a well known and respected expert who holds various leadership roles among the industry. We know exactly how to make you stand out, grow and develop.

DareIt - Marketing Agency - Aero-Medical

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    Ready to be different and stand out from the rest?

    Dare It Marketing Solutions GmbH
    Mohsgasse 11/3-5
    1030 Vienna